In both 2014 and 2015, me and my former team released an interactive Augmented Reality schoolagenda, called the Game AR Agenda.

By designing the illustrations in such a way that they could be used as AR image targets, I build an accompanying mobile app to play four unlockable games on those pages.

The first year I took my inspiration from Grand Theft Auto. Think car chases, jumps, gangwars and shootouts. The second year I went for the Zombie genre.
Each game is linked to eachother to form a small story and I used photogrammetry to capture each member of my former team to be portrayed as a survivor.

The first game takes place in an abandoned barn, where the four surivors are prepping a vehicle to make a daring escape from the approaching horde.
I combined elements from ‘tower defense’ and ‘wave shooters’ to create a hybrid mechanic.
Each survivor has his own weapontype with a different range, angle of attack and damage. By selecting a survivor you get a visual representation of those properties in the form of an ‘area-of-attack’ cone. Every zombie that enters this area gets targeted.
You can also command two survivors to switch places, to shift the qualities of a certain weapon to a different point of the invasion.
Once every survivor is overrun, the game ends with a getaway and a highscore timer showing how long you managed to fend them off.

The second game is a direct followup to the first, where you find yourself on a highway during the escape from the barn.
By creating an ‘endless runner’ type of game, you had to avoid getting too much damage to your car.
Obstacles were presented in the form of abandoned cars and zombie hordes, where the first needed to be avoided but the second could be thinned by aiming the roofmounted turret on your car.

The third game takes place after the survivors reach the city. They find themselves in an overrun apartment building and need to find their way to the roof to signal for a helicopter.
The building is divided in several floors which need to be navigated.
I designed several ‘room tiles’ which could be combined in multiple ways, allowing me to randomly generate those floors, and provide a larger amount of content otherwise not possible with the given development time.

The last game takes place on top of the apartment building the suvivors just scaled. They managed to signal the helicopter, but just as it ascended, an enormous behemoth appears on top of the building.
One of the survivors gets randomly selected to be ‘left behind’, and in order to save him you have to take out the final boss.
This game has all the elements of a traditional ‘boss fight’, with attack patterns, armored parts and counterattacks.
It also lends elements from my AC130 game, as you have now manned a mounted gun in the helicopter.